Mk10: “HOT TO GO”
Inspiration for HOTTOGO: “Democracy makes the best sauce!”.
Created for the 1st Annual Hot-Sauce Contest night on 11/15/24, by a team consisting of Sam Browning and a cadre of others friends, their ingredient choices were chosen by majority vote. What’s come out of it is a useful and delicious all purpose sauce that’s bright and not overpowering.
Color of Final Sauce
Rich Orange
Flavor Profile
Sweet, easy, spicy but not overpowering, balanced
Heat Level (0-6)
Date Created
Los Angeles, CA
1oz Bottles Produced in Total
Bottle & Label Specifics
Clear Glass bottle. Blue Holographic Foil Label
pH and Shelf Stability
3.15, Shelf Stable w/o cooling. Trace amounts of xantham gum was used to prevent separation.
Fermented Peppers
Fresh Peppers
Red Moruga Scorpion, Red Bell Pepper
Pepper Preparation
1/4 of fresh peppers roasted prior to cooking.
Fruit & Vegetables
Carrot, Tomato, Mandarin Orange, Fermented & Fresh Garlic
Spices & Salt/Pepper
Spices & Salt/Pepper
Paprika, Cumin, Habañero brine, White pepper
Distilled White Vinegar