Mk15: “THERAPY1”

Inspiration for THERAPY1: “The world thinks that microdosing Ketamine is the answer to our woes and worries. But what if hot sauce is that answer? What if they both come together?”

A mistake of chemistry and cooking. Nothing more to say. Not a hot sauce at all. A sweet and weird instant hit of absolute chemicals. Have you put a battery leaking acid in your mouth? It doesn’t matter if there are mandarin oranges there too. All you’re going to taste is the battery. Whoops!

Fermented Peppers: N/A

Fresh Peppers
Red & Chocolate Ghost Peppers, Trinidad Scorpion, 9 Carolina Reapers, “Super Chilis”, Habañeros,

Pepper Preparation
Half of fresh peppers charred prior to cooking.

Fruit & Vegetables
Mango, Mandarin Orange, Strawberry, Onion, Fresh Garlic

Additional Ingredients
Ketamine (1.3g/oz)

Spices & Salt/Pepper
Salt, Pepper, Ginger

1/2 White Wine Vinegar and 1/2 Distilled White Vinegar

Color of Final Sauce
Dark Orange Red

Flavor Profile
A tangy chemical monstrosity

Heat Level (0-6)
0 but inedible

Date Created

Los Angeles, CA

1oz Bottles Produced in Total
3 (Numbered 1/3 - 3/3)

Bottle & Label Specifics
Cobalt Glass 1oz bottle. Gold Foil Label

pH and Shelf Stability
? (It doesn’t exist anymore)




Mk15 "THERAPY1.5"