Inspiration for TWINK DEATH: “The end of the first of the 3 stages of life. TWINK -> TWUNK -> TWAS”
Ben Morris and his friend Cole had a 26th birthday party, and because Ben’s been a fan of the previous hot sauces, I though it was time to pay homage a difficult time in my own life and knock him over with a personalized sauce. The text on the bottle reads: ‘BEN AND COLE ARE 26, SO THIS IS GOING TO HURT. JUST LIKE ADULTHOOD.’ And it does. To this date it is the most directly instantly-felt hot sauce of all. This one BURNS fast and right away, overwhelming.
Because TWINK DEATH has a large amount of very hot CHILI peppers, this one burns right away and feels hotter than some of the later hot sauces that linger. It is a contender for the top for sure.
Color of Final Sauce
Fiery Orange
Flavor Profile
Fire, then heat, More fire.
Heat Level (0-6)
Date Created
Los Angeles, CA
1oz Bottles Produced in Total
Bottle & Label Specifics
Pink Glass bottle. Pink Vinyl Label
pH and Shelf Stability
3.0, Shelf Stable w/o cooling. Trace amounts of xantham gum used to prevent separation.
Fermented Peppers
”Super Chili”, Habañero
Fresh Peppers
Caroline Reaper, “Super Chili”, & Habañero
Pepper Preparation
Half of fresh peppers roasted prior to cooking.
Fruit & Vegetables
Cherry Tomato, Lime, Fermented & fresh Garlic
Additional Ingredients
Spices & Salt/Pepper
”Super Chili” brine, Habañero brine, Paprika, Coriander
Distilled White Vinegar